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Premises Liability: What You Need To Know

Premises liability claims are unfortunately more common than many people realize. Building owners are legally required to provide safe conditions for everyone passing through. When that doesn’t happen, you have rights. Bragoli & Associates has worked with clients throughout Long Island who are involved in these situations.

Common Premises Cases We Investigate

Owners are required to keep all areas of the premises safe. This means keeping both the interior and exterior of the premises in shape. When they fail to do so, people can get hurt. The owner can then be held liable for the injuries people have suffered. Our firm will fight for the maximum amount of compensation. This includes payment for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We have handled cases of all shapes and sizes, including but not limited to:

  • Slip and falls
  • Defective stairways and railings
  • Defective sidewalks
  • Ceiling collapses
  • Negligent security
  • Poor lighting in parking lots
  • Snow and ice-related cases
  • Falling off of ladders
  • Dog bites

These cases can be extremely difficult for those who have suffered an injury. In order to have a case, the owner of property must have either “actual” or “constructive” notice of the defective condition present. For actual notice to apply, someone must have told them about the potentially dangerous issue, or they have seen previous accidents occur because of the problem. Constructive notice means that the condition has been present for such a time that the owner should have known about it in some manner – either they would have seen the problem while cleaning or making repairs, or it should have come up during a reasonable inspection.

You need an experienced lawyer to present a strong case on your behalf. We thoroughly investigate these cases to determine if we can help you recover compensation. We gather critical evidence and review the necessary documents to establish that the business or property owners acted negligently in your case.